It’s summertime and you want to earn extra money for your upcoming family vacation or pay down some bills. After researching several options, you decide that driving for Uber or Lyft works best. You have the flexibility to schedule pick-ups when it’s convenient for you, the pay is decent, and you already have a smartphone and a car. You sign up...
Your Home Is More Than Brick and Mortar
A home is so much more than the bricks, mortar, and lumber used to build it, especially for your high net worth clients. It's full of memories, private collections, and cherished belongings--and your client’s personality and interests are reflected in every exquisite detail. If your client experiences a claim, they want more than a check from the...
The Importance of A Personal Articles Floater
A common misconception of homeowners is that all personal belongings are covered under their insurance policy. Unfortunately, there are several capped coverages for the items people deem most important (think maximum jewelry limit of $5,000 in some cases). A separate Personal Articles Floater (PAF) policy is critical to ensure your clients have...